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Paw Prints in Sand

Adoption Updates

Darla & Jake

Hello! I came in almost a year ago and met “Jake”. I started walking him every day and I just wanted to share with you guys how far this very anxious, escape artist has come! He is the sweetest and he loves to play with the girls and run run run!
Here he is laying in the yard, just relaxing by himself. This is unusual because he usually by my side 100% of the time when I’m home. I’m glad that he is as happy as he makes us Thank you for all you guys do!

Get a Brick 

Your $50 donation will come with a brick to add to our memorial wall. 

Each brick is engraved with 3 lines of text up to 13 characters per line.

A perfect way to provide a memorial or to honor either a person or a pet.

Fill out the form below and bring it to Paws and Claws.


Upcoming Events! 

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